Trinity Downtown: Trinity Lutheran Church and School

Grade Levels:
Infants - Kindergarten
About us
Nestled in downtown Orlando, TLS provides a nurturing educational environment for infants through PreK-5. Whether in our warm and cozy infant/toddler settings, or our home-like preschool atmosphere, our parents know we wrap our students in the loving arms of Jesus Christ. Our secure five-acre campus provides ample space for our state-of-the-art Child Development Center, sports field, full-size gym, playgrounds, and an historic setting for our weekly chapel worship.
Become a part of the Trinity family and experience award-winning care and education recognized by the National Lutheran School Accreditation.
Our philosophy, as a ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church, is rooted in the fact that God has created each child and loves him or her dearly. God has given each child a distinct personality, an infinite curiosity, and a great capacity for love. The program at Trinity CDC is planned to provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes the spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children. Our goal is to provide learning about the world God has given us in a manner that reflects the great love He shares with us. Children learn through play. We provide an enriched play experience with large group, small group, and individualized activities. The day is set up in a learning center format with both child- and adult-initiated activities. The child’s day includes hands-on activities in creative art, math, science, music, dramatic play, computers, reading, bible focus, writing and language. Our goal is to develop a positive self-concept, a love for learning, respect for others, social success, and a love and knowledge of God.