Brush Arbor Christian School

Grade Levels:
Kindergarten - 12th Grade
About us
We believe Brush Arbor Christian School exists, as a ministry of Brush Arbor Baptist Church, to provide an atmosphere of learning that is distinctly Christian in order to support parents and families in educating their children in a Biblical way. We purpose to train and educate the whole student not only academically, but also spiritually, socially, and physically. Our students must honor and respect their authority, their fellow students, and their school in a way that would glorify the Lord Jesus. We desire for our students to not only reflect their Savior in their appearance and actions, but also with the wisdom, knowledge, understanding and skills that can be used in the future for the glory of God and His kingdom.
We purpose to show students how God is the source of all wisdom and knowledge. Through teaching the Bible daily to students, Christian values and wisdom can be developed to govern the use of knowledge and skills. The Bible is the center of all truth and should reflect in all knowledge that is taught. Students are clearly shown how to know that they are saved through grace by faith in Jesus Christ and how they can have a personal relationship with Him. Students are also taught how they can grow in their relationship with Him.
We purpose to help students excel academically in order to be equipped in the future as adults. Each student is gifted with special abilities and talents, but regardless of ability, each student is expected to do the best work that they can do. An emphasis is placed on students being diligent in their work and faithful in completing assignments and studying to prepare for assessments.
We purpose to help students build Christian character that will enable them to be a light to the world. By putting the Bible at the center of our philosophy, purpose, and curriculum, students will have a foundation to build. Through developing Christian character and a love for our country and its heritage, we can develop a generation that will be willing to stand for this country and the Biblical values it was built upon.
We purpose to discipline for the purpose of promoting and developing Christian character in our students and prompt in them a desire to study, learn and grow spiritually. Our discipline and procedures are in place to promote a healthy learning environment, and if a student does not keep these regulations, he is made aware and disciplined accordingly. We desire to train students and teach them how to base decisions on a Biblical understanding of the principles of right and wrong.
We as a school purpose to aid parents in the education of their students. Children are a gift from God to parents, and it is their responsibility to educate their students. We desire to cooperate closely with parents in their student’s development and seek to help them develop a Christ-centered atmosphere for their students and encourage it in their homes.