Antioch Campus Ministry

About us
Our pastor and teacher, John Curiale got saved in college at 18 years old. He and his wife, Nicole met at Augustana College in Illinois. John graduated with a BA in secondary education and biology. John received his call for ministry and earned his Master’s of biblical studies from Moody Seminary in Chicago and his Doctorate of Ministry from The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles.
John and his wife Nicole spent three years attending Antioch Community Church in Wheaton before God called them to serve Central Florida as a youth pastor.
In 2012, the Curiale's planted Antioch Community Church Orlando. Since the church was planted, it has grown to a healthy family of believers with college students, young adults, and families. We maintain the belief that the local church is the primary way God intended to draw people to Himself and transform the world. You can read more of our story in John’s book, Enduring Faith. John is currently pursuing his Doctorate of Ministry at the Master's Seminary in Los Angeles, CA.