History of Evangelism

33 to 1453 AD

Merchant missionaries travel the Silk Road.

1418 to 1620 AD

 Maritime missionaries cross the Atlantic Ocean.

1983 AD to Present

Digital missionaries explore the Internet.

Digital Missionary?

What is a digital missionary?

Globally, there are 5.5 billion people who use the internet around the world, and this is projected to reach 7 billion by 2029. On average, Americans look at their phone for 4 hours and 37 minutes each day, interacting with it on average, 2,617 times. Digital Missionaries are Believers called to evangelize, disciple, and connect people to life-giving faith communities through digital spaces. They are those who hope to use the internet for God.

1. Answer God's Calling

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

2. Embark On Adventure

 Join us as we travel to digital lands far away, isolated by deep oceans of information with dangerous currents. 

3. Form New Friendships

Meet new people and form friendships that last not only a lifetime, but for eternity. 

The Mission

Inspiring Believers around the world to find their calling

How does this work?

3 Stages of Digital Evangelism

Explore Digital Spaces

Our digital missionaries use a variety of strategies to reach people in online ecosystems, such as social media, video games and virtual reality.

Invite Others to Platform

From these digital ecosystems, people are invited to this platform, allowing them to discover soul nourishing content and communities of faith.

Digital to Local Fellowship

Through this platform, we hope that many of these people will create meaningful connections with Believers and join local ministries.

The Mission Fields

Social media, video games & virtual reality

Social Media

Share your faith by sharing this platform on social media


Post on public and private pages


Create faith building content


Host devotionals on livestream


Direct message, like & comment

Video Games

Play with worldwide Believers, while leading others to Christ

Virtual Reality

Explore unknown worlds and share your faith

The Team

Digital Evangelism. Content Creation. Mentorship. Fellowship.

Find your Role

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. - Romans 12:4-8

The Fishers

Searching for the lost

The Creators

Creating Christian content

The Shepherds

Discipling the flock

The Encouragers

Intentionally edifying others

The Givers

Supporting the mission

Training Hub

Calling. Equipping. Sending.

Phase 1: Foundation – Establishing Identity & Mission

Before Digital Missionaries are sent, they need to understand who they are, why they’re needed, and how they operate. This is their identity in the mission field. This foundation will be taught through vision-casting sessions, Biblical teaching, and real-world examples of digital missions transforming lives.

What is a Digital Missionary?

Someone called to evangelize, disciple, and connect people to life-giving faith communities through digital spaces.

Why does this matter?

The online world is one of the largest, most engaged mission fields on earth, filled with people searching for truth, hope, and belonging.

How do we reach them?

Through strategic engagement—sharing content that leads people to Christ, actively engaging in digital communities, and forming relationships that lead to real-life discipleship.

Phase 2: Practical Training – Tools, Strategies & Engagement

Digital Missionaries need clear, practical steps to be effective. They will be equipped with:

Content Sharing Strategies

Training on how to share, distribute, and amplify Kingdom content in ways that reach the right people. This includes platform-specific strategies (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, podcasts, blogs, etc.).

Community Engagement Training

Teaching missionaries how to engage in digital conversations that lead to transformation, respond to seekers with wisdom, and build authentic relationships.

Apologetics & Evangelism Techniques

Providing resources to answer tough faith questions, share the Gospel effectively, and handle opposition with grace and truth.

Discipleship Pathways

Showing missionaries how to move people from digital engagement to real-life discipleship and church connection.

Spiritual Resilience Training

Equipping missionaries to stay spiritually strong, avoid burnout, and stay rooted in prayer, Scripture, and accountability.

Phase 3: Activation – Sending & Ongoing Support

Once trained, Digital Missionaries don’t just go out alone. They are sent with support, accountability, and a growing network of fellow laborers.

Commissioning & Prayer

Just as missionaries in the Bible were sent out through the laying on of hands, we commission Digital Missionaries with prayer, encouragement, and community.

Ongoing Coaching & Mentorship

Leaders will provide continued coaching, feedback, and strategy adjustments to keep missionaries effective.

Testimonies & Impact Reports

Digital Missionaries will share stories of transformation, showing how lives are being changed, and inspiring more people to join the mission. Monthly frequency.

Advanced Training & Specialization

As missionaries grow, they will receive deeper training in specific areas such as digital apologetics, content creation, and church digital integration.

The Vision

Flow living water into dead seas

Tiered Growth Plan

Each person will begin as a volunteer, but as resources grow, can become part-time and eventually full-time positions. We are dedicated to investing into those who are invested in spreading the Gospel. Every dollar raised from this platform fuels evangelism in both the digital and physical world.


Those just getting started

Paid Part-Time

Those helping lead others

Paid Full-Time

Those leading the Training Hub