Presbyterian Church of the Lakes

Sundays - 9:00am Sunday School*; 10:30am Worship Service*
Tuesdays - 7:00am Ironmen*
Wednesdays - 3:30pm Lighthouse Kids; 5:45pm Family Dinner; 6:00pm The Word on Wednesdays*; 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal; 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays - 10:00am Women at the Well**; 6:45pm PCOL University*
About us
We are glad you are here to check us out. We hope your online experience will give you a picture of who we are, why we are here, and how you can join us in our mission to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Church of the Lakes is for all people who want to know more about God, grow in their Christian walk, and find a place where you will feel completely at home. Our church is warm, friendly, and Biblically-based. We are committed to helping people find peace with God and reaching out to our neighborhood and city with love, care, and compassion. At Church of the Lakes, we base all that we do and believe on the Bible. We have ministry programs for all ages. Our worship services seek to bring praise to God with the latest in contemporary worship while also honoring the great hymns of the past. We want church to be fun, exciting, relevant, and meaningful! We want relationships within the church to be real and authentic. We want to serve you as you seek to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Join us!