Grace Bible Church of Central Florida

Sunday Mornings -
7:00 a.m. – Early Morning Worship
8:30 a.m. – Sunday Bible Study
10:00 a.m. – Children’s Church
10:00 a.m. – Sunday Morning Worship
10:00 a.m. – Culto en Español
10:00 a.m. – Ministè kreyòl ayisyen
About us
Grace Bible Church of Central Florida was established by the Holy Spirit in February of 2003. A small, but dedicated body of believers had several praying and planning meetings in homes and unanimously invited Gene Pritchard to become the pastor of this new church. Our name reflects the Vision God has given to this New Testament church.
We uphold the holiness of God and His righteous expectations, but also declare the “GOOD NEWS” that God loves sinners, forgives all sin, and offers his GRACE to those who seek it.
Our doctrine would be considered “Baptist”, but were led to use the name BIBLE, because we desire to be identified by our commitment to God’s infallible Word rather than any denomination. We are not critical of any who confess Christ and believe His Word. We are not deliberately competing with any churches or denominations, but believe that there are people who are looking for a church that is distinctively committed to the Bible and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct His church.
We are a CHURCH, founded upon and committed to its head, Jesus, the Christ. It is our goal to make Him known and advance His kingdom, beginning in Central Florida and the World. We are a diverse and international church, with members from 56 different nations!
Our first worship services were conducted in Ocoee Middle School where we assembled on Sundays. We were also blessed by meeting in homes for prayer, Bible study, and ministry. After much prayer and searching, God led us to our “home” at 801 Dorscher Road, just west of Hiawassee Road, behind the Highland Lakes Center on Highway 50. It is a magnificent 7.4 acres, with 721 paved parking spaces, and 35,000 square feet of facility. It was formerly a movie theatre. The Holy Spirit placed this church where He wants us to meet for worship, prayer, training, ministering and outreach. Our members come from about a 35-mile radius. It is God’s will an our desire to minister to people all across Central Florida.
The Pastor, Elders, Deacons, Church Council, and numerous committees are prayerfully and carefully laying a sound foundation for generations to come, while faithfully seeking to minister daily and weekly through the many ministries of Grace Bible Church of Central Florida.
If you are interested in knowing more about your relationship with Jesus, or His Word, or this exciting, growing church,
contact Pastor Gene Pritchard at
“We’ve come this far by faith”, leaning on the Lord Jesus!” (Matthew 16:18)