El Bethel Temple

(407) 648-1975
Sunday - Service 11:00 am (Join us on Facebook Live
or at The Temple); Sunday School - 9:00 am
Zoom Meeting ID: 407-719-9937 Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4077199937
Wednesday - Night Bible Study - 7:11 pm
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83816534760?pwd=WVBoSDBTZ1V0K1hzaWJxbnlXNnM0Zz09
Dial In: 1-929-205-6099 Zoom Meeting ID: 83816534760 Password: 455116
Thursday - Morning Prayer - 10:00 am
Dial in: 1-774-220-4000 Code: 2292847#; Night Bible Study - 6:00 pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 407-334-0757 Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4073340757
Saturday - YFC Live!!! (Youth For Christ) - 5:00 pm
Every 1st & 3rd Saturday,
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8483656980
About us
We welcome you all to our website and to our family at EL Bethel Temple @ Orlando in the City Beautiful. We are a fun-loving, bible-believing group of saints that has served the West Orlando community for over 58 years. We seek to live a life of holiness that honors our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
During our early beginnings, we were known as Gorman Memorial Church of the Nazarene under the leadership of Pastor Archie Williams. In 1986, we transitioned into our current church, EL Bethel Temple of Jesus @ Orlando, and have continued to serve the church needs of our community in our setting. We were the first private Christian school in Orlando to offer Christian-based education from K3 through 12th grade. We are very proud of our graduates and have remained in touch with their progress upon leaving us.
We have many active ministries via our church. You will find us in the Orange County jail system reaching those who will hear the gospel and build bonds with the inmates and their families. EL Bethel has something for everyone. When the opportunity arises, come by and worship with us in a vibrant and helpful worship experience any Wednesday or Sunday that you are able. Those visiting the Orlando theme venues are welcome to join us while away from your normal church setting to celebrate our Savior. Blessings on you and yours this year.