Crown of Glory Lutheran Church

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
(407) 217-2387
Sunday - Worship Service: 9:30 A.M.; Bible Study at 11 A.M. following service.
About us
Our continuing purpose, as a gathering of Christians, is to serve all people in God's world with the gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of the Holy Scriptures (Matthew 28:18-20)
We will do this by proclaiming the law and the gospel, to lead sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for life and salvation (2 Timothy 4:2, Luke 24:26-48)
To strengthen believers in faith and sanctification through the means of grace (Romans 10:17)
To equip believers as disciples, stewards and witnesses for sharing the gospel of Jesus with fellow men (Ephesians 4:11-12)
The members of Crown of Glory Lutheran Church believe in the Triune God and that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. We profess the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, and the Book of Concord. We believe Jesus Christ is both true God and true Man, and that he lived a perfect life and died an innocent death to free us from the bondage of sin.
We are not perfect. Yet God tells us we have to be perfect to get to heaven. So are we hopeless? No! Jesus took our place. Instead of us dying eternally, he died on the cross to take away our imperfections. This makes us perfect in God's eyes. This means we can go to heaven. He did not just die for Christians, but for the whole World. Simply out of thanks do we praise the Lord and have the desire to tell others about him. Because of his love for us do we love others.