Christ the King Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church of Missouri Synod
(407) 876-2771
Sunday - 8:00 &10:30 AM Worship; 9:15 AM Adult Bible Class and Sunday School
Thursday - Morning Bible Class at 10:00 AM.
About us
1982: The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod District Mission Board selected a site on Apopka-Vineland Road and formed a nucleus of families to begin a new congregation. In December of that year the Rev. Gerald N. Schultz was called to be their pastor.
1984: On Easter Sunday the first service in the just completed sanctuary was held and communion was shared by 134 people.
1989: Rapid congregational growth prompted the decision to build a larger sanctuary.
1992: On March 22 the existing sanctuary was dedicated with 534 attending the service. The previously used building was renamed to Barnabas Fellowship Hall.
1997: A new Rogers Organ was installed to enhance the music portion of our worship. In that same year the Preschool was launched with an initial enrollment of 37.
2016: At the end of April, Pastor Schultz retired. Pastor Zeile was selected to be the Intentional Interim Pastor while preparations were made for calling a new pastor.
2018: In May, Rev. Timothy Brown was installed as Pastor of Christ The King Lutheran Church.