Cathedral Church of St. Luke

Sunday - 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I. Traditional language, no incense. Music: Pipe organ
10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II. Contemporary language, incense. Music: Pipe organ, instruments, Cathedral Choir and Choristers. Live streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Children’s Church available.
6 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II. Contemporary language, no incense. Music: Guitar, piano.
Dean’s Hour begins at 9:00am following the 8am service on Sunday: The Dean and Cathedral clergy teach on a variety of topics. Please sign up for the newsletter to stay updated on classes.
Wednesday - at 12:05pm: Midday Eucharist offered in-person.
About us
We are CATHOLIC in that we embrace the definition of the Christian Faith as expressed in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds; we recognize the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion as primary channels of God’s grace; and we believe that the faith once delivered to the saints is preserved through apostolic succession and teaching.
We are REFORMED in that we acknowledge the primacy of Holy Scripture in matters of faith and practice; we preach the “one, full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice” of the Son of God to atone for the sins of the world; and we recognize justification of faith in Jesus’ atoning death.
We are EVANGELICAL in that we believe the primary work of the Church is proclaiming to all people the saving work of God in Christ; and we believe that the Church “equips the saints” for a ministry of reconciliation at home, work, school and in the marketplace.
We are Anglican in that our expression of worship is guided by the the Book of Common Prayer and our theology is expressed in the 39 Articles of Religion.
We are convinced that God's love is for everyone- no exceptions. There is no sin, no struggle, no past or present circumstance, that lies beyond the reach of God the Father's redemptive work through the life, death, and resurrection of his son, Jesus Christ, applied to us by our Lord, the Holy Spirit. In fact, in the last book of the Scriptures, the book of Revelation, Saint John depicts heaven as a place where humans are worshiping God forever "from every tribe, tongue, and nation." If this is God's vision for the future, it is our vision for the present.