Agape Assembly Church

About us
Our mission is to lead the world to worship God through SERVING, LOVING, EVANGELIZING and DISCIPLESHIP. Our vision is to LOVE, LIVE, and LEAD like Christ. At Agape Assembly Church, we have been connecting people to the heart of God since 1997. Our goal is to inspire you through the holiness of our dwelling and prayer services. Become a part of our growing congregation in Orlando, Fl.
All Saints Lutheran Church

About us
Our church has been blessed by God, and we enjoy sharing these blessings with others. Our primary mission is to worship God, proclaim Jesus Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. Entrenched within our mission is a desire to serve others, and to go and make disciples of all nations. We do not believe you make disciples by being judgmental and using fear to scare people into coming to Christ. We preach and teach about Jesus and take the blessings God has bestowed upon us and share them. We believe in putting faith into action.
Anglican Church of the Incarnation

About us
Incarnation Catholic Church is a Roman Catholic parish of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, erected under the auspices of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus of Pope Benedict XVI. At Incarnation, you will find the Catholic "Faith of our Fathers" reverently celebrated and unabashedly proclaimed. All Catholics may assist at Mass and receive the Sacraments in our parish.
Azalea Park United Methodist Church
United Methodist

About us
Welcome to Azalea Park United Methodist Church where our doors are open to people from all backgrounds. Our services are live streamed on Facebook from 11am – 12pm every Sunday. We also share updates there about the Church and the school we partner with, Santiago & Friends Academy.
Come connect with us!
Bethel Christian Church of God
Church of God

About us
Welcome to Bethel Christian Church - Your Spiritual Home in Orlando! Explore the warmth of faith and community at Bethel Christian Church, affectionately known as Bethel Orlando. We are thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to you, whether you're a longtime member or a first-time visitor seeking a spiritual connection. Bethel thrives on the strength of its community and the diverse ministries that bring us closer to God. From youth programs to outreach initiatives, there's a place for everyone to contribute and feel connected.
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church

About us
Our parish is centered in Jesus Christ and nurtured by the Eucharist. Our Mission at Blessed Trinity Catholic Church is to be a vibrant, loving community in the traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith. We pray for God’s help to grow in sharing our time, talent, and treasure more effectively in a committed effort of prayer, education, service, and the pastoral care of all our parishioners.
C 3 Church
Southern Baptist Convention

About us
When you think about church, what do you think? If you think anything less than meaningful and captivating then you've never been to C3. We believe church should be inspirational, practical and helpful. C3 is a church where people who don’t like church love to attend. If you feel like you don’t have it all together, that’s fine - C3’s a place where no perfect people are allowed. We are casual in style yet serious about faith. In this faith community "Everyone's Welcome because Nobody's Perfect but we believe Anything's Possible!" We're not interested in making people feel bad about their past. Our focus is to help people live a great future. We look forward to getting to know you better and to showing you the difference that is C3! Just #tryitonce, we think you'll love it!
Calvary Baptist Church

About us
Calvary Baptist Church is a community of faith rooted in the love of God. We believe worship is not just found in prayer, it’s something expressed in everything we do. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures, life’s only guidebook. Come and join us to experience God’s grace for yourself. There’s a special place for you at our welcoming church in Orlando.
Cathedral Church of St. Luke

About us
We are CATHOLIC in that we embrace the definition of the Christian Faith as expressed in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds; we recognize the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion as primary channels of God’s grace; and we believe that the faith once delivered to the saints is preserved through apostolic succession and teaching. We are REFORMED in that we acknowledge the primacy of Holy Scripture in matters of faith and practice; we preach the “one, full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice” of the Son of God to atone for the sins of the world; and we recognize justification of faith in Jesus’ atoning death. We are EVANGELICAL in that we believe the primary work of the Church is proclaiming to all people the saving work of God in Christ; and we believe that the Church “equips the saints” for a ministry of reconciliation at home, work, school and in the marketplace. We are Anglican in that our expression of worship is guided by the the Book of Common Prayer and our theology is expressed in the 39 Articles of Religion.
Central Christian Church
Disciples of Christ

About us
Central Christian Church is in covenant with the Disciples of Christ
Central Parkway Baptist Church
Southern Baptist Convention

About us
We will gladly serve you in any way we can that honors Jesus Christ. Our theme is Loving God, Engaging People, and Making Disciples
Join us as we "Love 'CPBC'": 'Caring for People Because of Christ'.
"For the entire law is fulfilled in one statement: Love your neighbor as yourself."
- Galatians 5:14 HCSB
Go discover where God is working, and join Him!
Chapel Hill Baptist Church
Independent Fundamental Baptist

About us
Chapel Hill is an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. The word “independent” means the church patterns itself after the New Testament example and stands alone under the authority of the scriptures. The word “Fundamental” means the Baptist church uses the New Testament strictly as its authority for faith (doctrine) and practice. However, we do not ignore the Old Testament, as it is there for our learning as well. Chapel Hill currently offers an adult Sunday school class on Sunday mornings at 10 AM. We offer services at 11 AM and 6PM on Sundays, and at 5 PM on Wednesday nights with dinner from 5-6pm and Prayer Service starting at 6pm.
Christ Church of Orlando

About us
Christ Church of Orlando is a Spirit-filled, non-denominational church in the heart of central Florida. You're gonna love this church! Wherever you are on your spiritual journey we're here to help you take the next step. Our founding pastor, Paul Valo, began CCO with 34 people who had a passion to worship God and love people. Our desire has been to create an environment that you, your family and friends would love to attend. A place where you would feel loved and welcome. And it's working! Many people who had given up on church have found this to be the kind of place they actually enjoy.
Christ Community Church
International Council of Community

About us
Welcome to Christ Community Church, the little church with the big heart. Christ Community Church seeks to offer a non-denominational ministry to our community which focuses on Jesus Christ. We aim to present the Good News in a meaningful and relevant way through word and action. The center of our church’s life is our Sunday worship, where the emphasis is on expository preaching. During the week we continue our exploration of God’s Word through our Prayer and Bible Study meetings.
Christ the King Episcopal Church

About us
We are committed to following the teachings of Jesus Christ and upholding the traditions of the early Christian Church. Our services are rooted in the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible, and we follow a liturgical calendar that marks the important events in the life of Christ. We are a diverse and inclusive community, and we welcome people of all backgrounds, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status. At our church, we offer a range of programs and activities for people of all ages. Our services are traditional and contemplative, and we also offer a Sunday school program for children, as well as adult education classes. We are also committed to outreach and service, and we regularly partner with local organizations to help those in need. If you are looking for a warm and welcoming community to connect with and grow in your faith, we invite you to visit us. Our doors are open to everyone, and we look forward to getting to know you and sharing the love of God with you.
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church of Missouri Synod

About us
“To reach out and bring people into a living relationship
with Jesus Christ and His Church…
Through dynamic worship of God, fervent prayer in His name,
vigorous study of His word, loving care for one another
and committed support for His work”
Church in the Son

About us
Sometimes, it takes a lot of courage to drop by and see if you feel comfortable in church. It can even be awkward. I hope we can make your experience fun and enjoyable. Once you come through the door we think of you as family. I think you will find that we’re just ordinary people who believe that God is real. We are a group of people who love God, love people, and are affecting the world because we have experienced the freedom of forgiveness through Jesus. We want to let you know how important you are to us. Our dream is that God will capture your heart today and you will know how much He loves you. We would be honored to help you grow in your relationship with Him and others. There are many opportunities for you to meet people and do life together. I am sure there is a place for you. We are here to serve you in any way we can. So, relax and enjoy yourself!
Harrell Road Church of Christ
Church of Christ

About us
Come worship with us! We are located at 1919 Harrrell Road, Orlando, Florida 32817. Sunday services: Bible School 10 AM, Worship service: 10:45 AM, Evening service: 6 PM. Wednesday services: Bible study 10:30 AM, Bible study 7 PM.
Church of Christ at Midtown
Church of Christ

About us
The mission of the Midtown Church of Christ – Florida is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The vision of Midtown Church of Christ – Florida is to create a community of authentic believers and to witness a city transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, as people come to know Jesus as their lord and savior. The Midtown church of Christ members are a non-denominational, non-instrumental congregation of the churches of Christ that believe baptism is essential to salvation (Matthew 16:16). We believe in teaching strictly from the Bible without adding to it or subtracting from it (Revelation 22:18-19). We also believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, and therefore make it our mission to follow and adhere to His Word until His return.
South Bumby Church of Christ
Church of Christ

About us
What Is Our Goal Or Purpose For Existence? We are motivated by a sincere love for God to worship and serve Him. You will find that in our assemblies we emphasize the reading and studying of God's word, the Bible. Our primary mission is to preach the good news of salvation by grace through faith. If God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, then the least we can do is to make known this love to our fellow man by bringing lost souls to the Christ and by encouraging one another to live faithfully unto death. Our purpose for existence is therefore spiritual in nature. "Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 2:5). Being a spiritual house, we meet to worship God just as Christians did in the New Testament days. We are careful to do as they did, namely to sing and pray; and on the first day of the week we partake of the Lord's supper and give as God has prospered us (cf. Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 14:15; 1 Cor. 16:2). We try to be equally careful not to add anything to our worship that He has not authorized lest we worship in "vain" (Matt. 15:7-9).
True Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ

About us
The True Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ allows you to experience healing, deliverance, and love through our many ministries. Our ministries offer different opportunities for members to give back to the community in honor of Our Savior, who sacrificed so much for us. We aim to share the love that we have to those who need it most. Read on to find out more! Bishop Ernie Jones and the Ministry along with the officers and members of the True Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, welcome you to our services to praise and worship the Lord with us. We invite you to come and hear the word of God yourself. Bishop Ernie Jones has been inspiring the True Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ in Orlando since February 15, 2015. Bishop Jones is a compassionate, wise, and strong leader who has a solid ministry on the foundation the Jesus is the Son of God and through him only brings deliverance. He is committed to providing members of the congregation with sound spiritual guidance to contend the faith and fight to believe.
Church of the Ascension

About us
Ascension is an Anglican/Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Central Florida. We are a family-friendly church whose focus of worship is on our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Word preached and God’s Sacrament’s celebrated. We have a passion for combining the ancient and orthodox aspects of the faith with a modern and useful presentation. The Episcopal Church is part of the World-Wide Anglican Communion. The Anglican Church was born out of the Reformation in the 1500’s and worked to combine the power of the preached-word with the ancient presentation of the Holy Sacraments. The Latin term “Via Media” or, “the middle way” is used to describe our liturgical nature. The word “episcopal” is from the Greek word for bishop, as we stand with the historic three-fold ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons. We are a community that wishes to live intentionally into God’s call on our lives. Our vision is to create levels of opportunities and experiences that will lead people at every stage in their faith journey to a deeper relationship with God and each other.
Presbyterian Church of the Lakes

About us
Church of the Lakes is for all people who want to know more about God, grow in their Christian walk, and find a place where you will feel completely at home. Our church is warm, friendly, and Biblically-based. We are committed to helping people find peace with God and reaching out to our neighborhood and city with love, care, and compassion. At Church of the Lakes, we base all that we do and believe on the Bible. We have ministry programs for all ages. Our worship services seek to bring praise to God with the latest in contemporary worship while also honoring the great hymns of the past. We want church to be fun, exciting, relevant, and meaningful! We want relationships within the church to be real and authentic. We want to serve you as you seek to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Join us!
College Park United Methodist Church
United Methodist

About us
The Word of God and the saving message of Jesus Christ is still changing lives. The Grace of God is ever moving our hearts into greater closeness with Him, as we strive to co-operate with the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives to fulfill the commandment to love God, love our neighbor as our self, and to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We are proud to say that though the methods have changed, the message of God’s grace and love still remains the same. It is our prayer that the saving and life changing message of the radical love and grace of God continue to be preached, and modeled in all of our lives, and that we reach out to the lost and hurting with the love of Christ, both in word and deed.
Community Baptist Church

About us
The Mission of our Church is to win Souls for Christ through the Preaching and Spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and
Savior; and Empowering people to help themselves.
Concord Street Church of Christ
Church of Christ

About us
We are glad you are looking over this web page. Whether you are looking for a church home or just looking for a good place to worship while in town, we hope the information provided here can be helpful to you. Concord Street is a congregation that is friendly, scripturally solid, unified and passionate about people going to heaven.
Conway First Baptist Church
Southern Baptist Convention

About us
Southern Baptist Church, Conway (Orlando) Florida, where Jesus Christ is the important thing.
Crosspointe Church
Converge Worldwide Baptist

About us
Checking things out? Welcome! We realize that engaging a new church can be a little intimidating and meeting new people can be uncomfortable. But at CrossPointe Downtown, we’d like to help alleviate some of that potential uneasiness. The following is intended to give you a sense of what you can expect when attending the Sunday Gathering and we’d love to talk with you personally if you’d like more detailed information. CrossPointe Downtown is a diverse local church located in Orlando, Florida. We believe that the gospel of Jesus changes everything, so we long to see our city redeemed and renewed by its power. To see the beauty, harmony and wholeness of God’s Kingdom reign in our lives and in our communities, as the Gospel radically orients us to love God, love others, and live on mission.
Crown of Glory Lutheran Church
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

About us
The members of Crown of Glory Lutheran Church believe in the Triune God and that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. We profess the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, and the Book of Concord. We believe Jesus Christ is both true God and true Man, and that he lived a perfect life and died an innocent death to free us from the bondage of sin. We are not perfect. Yet God tells us we have to be perfect to get to heaven. So are we hopeless? No! Jesus took our place. Instead of us dying eternally, he died on the cross to take away our imperfections. This makes us perfect in God's eyes. This means we can go to heaven. He did not just die for Christians, but for the whole World. Simply out of thanks do we praise the Lord and have the desire to tell others about him. Because of his love for us do we love others.
Cypress Grove Fellowship
United Pentecostal Church International

About us
Cypress Grove Fellowship is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!
Diocese of Orlando

About us
A diocese is a community of believers in a particular place, living in unison with all other dioceses throughout the world, the visible center of unity being the pope. A bishop is the center of unity for the parishes within the diocese. As a thriving and growing community of Catholic faithful, the Diocese of Orlando represents many cultural and ethnic groups, believers of all ages, income levels and education, all united in the universal Catholic Church. In addition to English, Mass is celebrated in the Diocese of Orlando in many languages. We all call Central Florida home, but the Catholic Church is our spiritual home where we share God’s love, experience the Sacraments, serve the needy and encourage the distressed. Most of all, we come together for Mass to meet our Savior at the table of the Lord, grow in our relationship with Christ, lead others to holiness and share our blessings.
Discovery Church in Alafaya

About us
Discovery Church welcomes you and your family to gather and worship with us in a joyful, vibrant, and enriching environment. We believe gathering together is an important and powerful part of opening ourselves to the love and presence of God. Come ready to explore His Word and, in doing so together, experience the gift of love that binds our families as one community.
Downtown Baptist Orlando Church
Southern Baptist Convention

About us
At Downtown Baptist Orlando, we believe in connecting Jesus with Orlando. Our Church has a long history of serving the downtown Orlando area and we are proud to continue this tradition. We offer a wide range of services that help our members grow closer to God and become better members of our community. Join us and be a part of our mission to spread the love of God.
Eastland Baptist Church

About us
Our purpose has been given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. In Matthew 28:18-20 He instructs us to go, preach and to teach. We are to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ. We want to utilize every available biblical means, and we want to disciple and train every member to participate in accomplishing the purpose of Eastland Baptist Church.
Oasis at Conway Gardens
Southern Baptist Convention

About us
Today we are still a church of 35-40 people on a given Sunday. But now we have 3 other congregations renting our property, meeting separately, but worshiping and cooperating with us for the Kingdom of God. The other congregations are: one traditional Spanish speaking Pentecostal church, one second generation Caribbean, Spanish speaking, Reformed church, and one English speaking Reformed church. People are coming to Jesus in all four congregations. The senior leadership of all four churches meet together quarterly to share what God is doing, to pray, and to discuss how He would have us navigate our cooperative relationship. We truly love each other. While Oasis has been debt free for many years, the result of this arrangement is a financially stable church, looking to the future, and slowly growing.
El Bethel Temple

About us
We welcome you all to our website and to our family at EL Bethel Temple @ Orlando in the City Beautiful. We are a fun-loving, bible-believing group of saints that has served the West Orlando community for over 58 years. We seek to live a life of holiness that honors our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. During our early beginnings, we were known as Gorman Memorial Church of the Nazarene under the leadership of Pastor Archie Williams. In 1986, we transitioned into our current church, EL Bethel Temple of Jesus @ Orlando, and have continued to serve the church needs of our community in our setting. We were the first private Christian school in Orlando to offer Christian-based education from K3 through 12th grade. We are very proud of our graduates and have remained in touch with their progress upon leaving us.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church

About us
When you come check us out on Sunday, here’s what you’ll find. Our Holy Eucharist at 8:00am is quiet, peaceful, and uses the traditional language (Rite I) from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. At the Holy Eucharist at 10:15am, our acolytes, choir, and organist lead us in singing hymns and psalms and we use a set of prayers with contemporary language (Rite II). At Emmanuel, regardless of which service you choose to attend, it’s my hope that you will find our liturgies timeless in their tradition and warm with the love of God in Christ. Between services, come hang out in the parish hall where we have some great opportunities for fellowship as well as first rate Christian Formation in the Anglican Tradition.
Evangel Assembly of God
Assemblies of God

About us
An Assemblies of God church located in Orlando, Florida
Faith Baptist Church

About us
Faith Baptist Church exists to see the knowledge and love of the glory of God grow in us, increase among us, and spread through us as we faithfully proclaim the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. We seek to develop a community of maturing believers through: active participation in God-honoring corporate worship, comprehensive discipleship, genuine fellowship, and intentional evangelism both locally and globally.
Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Free Will Baptist

About us
A Free Will Baptist Church
Faith United Methodist Church
United Methodist

About us
We seek God in worship… As a diverse community we worship God together, through song, through praise, through prayer and through scripture. We are continually encouraged to go deeper in our faith by looking for ways to Build God’s family… We Build Family as we intentionally challenge ourselves with spiritual growth. This happens through our Growth Groups. As we intentionally seek to grow together in community, that spiritual growth leads us to Feed our community… We Feed our Community both physically and spiritually. There are many that live around us who are undernourished. We choose to bring them physical and spiritual food that sustains life. Through working in our church and in our community, we ensure that everyone in our area has the chance to come to know our Savior…
First Alliance Church
Christian and Missionary Alliance

About us
First Alliance Orlando is the oldest Alliance church in Florida and has a rich heritage in being a part of the world-wide mission and ministry of our denomination. From our church, God has called out many into various and remote parts of the world: missionaries, pastors, pastors’ wives and laymen far and wide. We’ve started several daughter churches and also have partnered to develop other churches. Our vision is to see individuals and families transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ into a vibrant community of disciples that impacts Orlando and the world. As we move forward together as a Christ-centered Acts 1:8 family -inspired by Jesus’ love and empowered by His Spirit – we are dedicated to enriching our community by displaying God’s love in the most creative ways possible.
Church at the Cross
Southern Baptist Convention

About us
Church at the Cross is full of diverse people with diverse backgrounds. While there are many different view points represented within our church, what we do agree on is that the Words of God are to be held, respected, protected, and taught by every believer. Below you will find our views related to a few subject matters that the Church holds in high regard. These views are reflected from the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
First Pentecostal Church

About us
Our church was founded in 1987 by Pastor George and First Lady Kathy Jones. We held our first services in a small daycare. The audience comprised Pastor, Sister Jones, and three small children. Over the years, this church has grown to 4 separate congregations in Central Florida. We have established many ministries within our church. In 1994, we established our private school, Lake Rose Christian Academy, through which we have trained and ministered to hundreds of children and their families.
First Presbyterian Church of Orlando

About us
Everything we do flows from our belief in the God of the Bible who sent His son, Jesus, for the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of the world. The foundation is Jesus and the good news He brings to us (what we believe/our doctrine). We long to look more like Jesus every day. Our identity is shaped by who He says we are, rather than what the world says about us (who we are). As we are founded in and formed by the wisdom of God, through Jesus, we develop rhythms in our lives of work and rest, grace and truth, all to the glory of God and for the good of others (how we live).
Ignite Wesleyan Church

About us
We are pleased to welcome you to our church. We like to say that there are no strangers here, but only friends who haven't met. We hope that you find spiritual nurture in our worship together and look forward to extending our hand of friendship and peace to you. Come and see. That's what Jesus said to those people he called into discipleship. When they asked what he was up to, Jesus didn't explain all the details of his mission and ministry; but rather invited them to come and experience it for themselves. That's what the members of Ignite Wesleyan Church invite you to do.
Friends Community Church

About us
In John 15:15, Jesus said: “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you (ESV). Since Jesus, in some sense, sees us as His “friends”, we believe that God calls us to be “friends” with Him through a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. We also believe that God also calls us to be friends with each other (John 13:34-35). Since friends are, by nature, warm and welcoming, at Friends, we do our best to provide a warm and welcoming environment. We are a committed but inviting group that genuinely cares.
Generations Church
Southern Baptist Convention

About us
Whether you just moved to Central Florida, been looking for a church for a while, or you’re still discovering what faith is all about, we’d love for you to join us this Sunday morning. Don’t worry about where you are on your spiritual journey – show up as you are and find the grace, mercy, and forgiveness Jesus offers to everyone.
God's House Orlando Inc.
Converge Worldwide Baptist

About us
God's House started as a dream in the hearts of Sammy & Shannon Pawlak to reach the creative center of Orlando. Working in the entertainment industry, they started the church with a small group of performers in a living room July 2003. In 2007, God's House bought a small building in South Orlando, and have continued to reach out to this creative city with the Love of Jesus. The facility has served as home for the congregation as well as a location for concerts, benefits, video productions, and creative arts. It truly is a center for the arts to be a center for hearts. We are aiming to be the most loving church in Orlando. We want to help people have an encounter with the living God to share the love of God with our amazing City.
Good Shepherd Catholic Church

About us
In 2010, Fr. Joe O’Neil, M.S. was named as pastor and the final steps were taken to build our new Church and in February 2012, Good Shepherd broke ground on its new church. In December 2014, memorial plaques were installed in the church, and donors were invited to a special mass and celebration. Since then, we added a plaque to recognize all our original donors from 1956 (Holy Thursday, 2018) In November of 2016, Fr. Jim Henault, M.S. was named as pastor and began developing the parish in new ways. In the summer of 2017, Good Shepherd started its Stewardship Program, “Time, Talent and Treasure,” expanding parishioner involvement in the life of the Church. In 2017, the 1956 church was razed to prepare for the new Office Complex. In the fall of 2017, Good Shepherd’s masterplan was updated to include the new Parish Office Complex with additional parking.
Grace Bible Church of Central Florida

About us
Grace Bible Church of Central Florida was established by the Holy Spirit in February of 2003. A small, but dedicated body of believers had several praying and planning meetings in homes and unanimously invited Gene Pritchard to become the pastor of this new church. Our name reflects the Vision God has given to this New Testament church. Our doctrine would be considered “Baptist”, but were led to use the name BIBLE, because we desire to be identified by our commitment to God’s infallible Word rather than any denomination. We are not critical of any who confess Christ and believe His Word. We are not deliberately competing with any churches or denominations, but believe that there are people who are looking for a church that is distinctively committed to the Bible and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct His church. We are a CHURCH, founded upon and committed to its head, Jesus, the Christ. It is our goal to make Him known and advance His kingdom, beginning in Central Florida and the World. We are a diverse and international church, with members from 56 different nations!
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

About us
All are welcome to worship at Grace Covenant. Feel free to park on the grass areas as well as on the pavement. Handicap parking is located on the north side of the Sanctuary, near the Small Blessings Day Care building, as well as on the south side of Conway Hall. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.