Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

(407) 847-2500
Saturday - English Daily Mass at 8 AM; English Vigil at 4 PM; Espanol (Vispera) at 7 PM
Sunday - English service at 9 AM; English service at 11 AM; Espanol service at 1 PM
About us
We are the parish family of Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Kissimmee, FL. We are a widely diverse and active parish committed to serving the people of God and building the Kingdom. Holy Redeemer Catholic Church is committed to the mission of Jesus Christ. We have multiple opportunities for people of all ages to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith through worship, community, and service. Our Faith Formation programs are rooted in the Gospel and our Catholic tradition. This enables our community to connect faith with daily life. It also provides opportunities for educational and spiritual development as well as service in ministries within the parish and wider community. Our Faith Formation programs are structured according to the curriculum framework, benchmarks (statements of expectations), prayers, and practices of the Diocese of Orlando and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.