God's Missionary Church

Wesleyan Methodist
(407) 847-5024
Sunday - Sunday School at 10:15 AM; Morning Worship at 10:45 AM; Evening Worship at 6:00 PM
About us
Nestled in Central Florida, the God's Missionary Church in Kissimmee is WESLEYAN METHODIST in beliefs, has a WORLDWIDE OUTREACH philosophy and extends a WARM WELCOME to everyone! We are committed to leading a lost world to God and proclaiming holiness to all people. We aim to build the Kingdom by sharing the gospel with those in our neighborhood and by sending people from our church to other states and around the world to tell others about Christ. We are distinctively Wesleyan in doctrine, conservative in lifestyle, and serving in love. We would love to have you stop by our church and visit with us! The VISITOR page will show you where we are located and how to contact us. The EVENTS page has a list of special events that will be happening at our church over the year. There are several churches in the Florida District as well as in other states, if you are not close to us, check the ABOUT US page to see what church is closest to you.