First Christian Church Kissimmee

(407) 847-2543
Sunday - 8:30am - Outreach to Homeless; 9:30am - Contemporary (English Service); 9:30am - Interpretation Service for the Deaf; 11am - Contemporary (English Service); 11am - Phileo (Young Adults); 10am - (Haitian Service); 11am - (Spanish Service); 5:00pm - (Traditional Service); 6:00pm - (Portuguese Service)
Mondays - 6:30pm - Celebrate Recovery (Fellowship Hall); 6:30pm - Pickleball (Ministry Center Gym)
Wednesdays- 10am - Bible Study; 6:30pm - FORGE (Student Ministry); 6:30pm - Financial Peace University; 6:30pm - Grief Share; 6:45 - Adult Choir; 7pm - Adult Electives (child programming); 7pm - Phileo (Young Adults)
About us
Kissimmee Christian Church had it’s beginning in 1884 when a few families from Kentucky, former neighbors and members of the Christian Church, who had moved to Kissimmee, came together for worship services. They met in homes, the local Opera House (located next to Makinson’s Hardware), and later the Dale carpenter shop. Their first official location was a small chapel on the corner of Palmway and Park Street, First Christian Church of Kissimmee.
In 1905 the church purchased its current location at 415 N. Main Street and built a small white frame building. Over the years it bought many surrounding houses for Sunday School. From 1966-1969 the church demolished many of those houses, and eventually the sanctuary, in order to build a new education wing, fellowship hall, and sanctuary that were all connected--to our newest addition, a Family Life Center and Gymnasium which houses our Christian Academy (PreK3-8th).
We are so privileged to have started a fully run outreach service to the homeless and distressed every Sunday morning at 8:30AM as well as a Street Ministry on Tuesdays and a Jail Ministry on Wednesdays. KCC is also home to a host of other externally and internally focused ministries throughout the week.
We have been blessed by our five language ministries taking place each week. We have an English, French Creole, Portuguese, Spanish and ASL service.
In the 1980’s First Christian Church launched Poinciana Christian Church and Northeast Christian Church. In the late 1990's KCC also helped to establish Canoe Creek Christian Church in St. Cloud, FL.