First Baptist Church of Kissimmee

Sunday - Worship Services at 9:30am and 11am (Traducido al español);
Connect Groups (for all ages) 8:30am, 9:30am, 11am (Traducido al español)
About us
We at First Baptist Kissimmee, believe that a total commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will build a Great Church. We encourage you to join us in this endeavor by becoming a part of our body. We are all joined together in the love of God to be a visible expression of the head of our church, Jesus Christ.
We covenant together in the belief that the Bible is the sole authority for determining doctrine and Christian behavior. These doctrines of belief and practice which unify us in faith were memorialized in the Statement of Faith referred to as The Baptist Faith and Message Statement, adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention 2000. We covenant together to use The Baptist Faith and Message Statement as our primary guide in doctrinal matters and Christian conduct.