Coffee in Bulk

Buy coffee from brands that align with your values.

John 1:1


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5lb Nehemiah 8 - Dark Roast


Joy of the Lord is your Strength(Nehemiah 8:10). And this blend from the Americas is strong in stone and caramel. It carries a deep flavor throughout, with specialty grade beans. Roasted in Texas, we source only the highest quality green coffee beans. 

Perfect for Churches or Organizations that desire to serve specialty grade coffee for large groups. The 5lb bag features a degassing valve and is resealable to keep product fresh in between each use. Available in whole bean or ground.

Farmed in Central and South America. (Previously the Promised Blend.) 

Jeremiah 29:11


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5lb Ephesians 2 - Expresso, Dark Roast


Our God is RICH in mercy. (Ephesians 2:4-5). And this Espresso blend from the Americas is rich in sweet nut and deep roast strength. It's peppered with hints of candied pecan and a touch of spice. It uses specialty grade beans with a roast fine-tuned in our Texas home base. We source only high-quality green coffee beans. 

If your church has a cafe or coffee service, this one's a favorite. The 5lb bag features a degassing valve and is resealable to keep product fresh in between each use. Available only in whole bean.

Farmed in Central and South America.

Matthew 11:28-30


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5lb Proverbs 24 - Medium Dark Roast


This our most popular church roast. Strong and consistent with hints of nut and chocolate. Perfect for churches or organizations that desire to serve specialty grade coffee for large groups. The 5lb bag features a degassing valve and is resealable to keep product fresh in between each use. Available in whole bean or ground.

Farmed in Central and South America. Previously the Fellowship Blend. 


Galatians 3:27


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5lb Timothy - Decaf, Medium Dark Roast


God has given us power & love & discipline, indeed! (2 Timothy 1:7) This roast is decaffeinated but still balanced and robust. 

Our bulk coffee is perfect for Churches or Organizations that desire to serve specialty grade coffee for large groups. The 5lb bag features a degassing valve and is resealable to keep product fresh in between each use. Available in whole bean or ground.

Our decaf coffee is farmed and naturally treated with no added chemicals. Don't worry. 


Acts 5:39


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5lb Psalm 27 - Single Origin, Medium Roast


The Lord is my light and my salvation. This bright blend brings light and energy to any day. It carries the strongest of our flavors and packs the largest jolt. The citrus notes are a wonderful breakfast companion. 

Perfect for Churches or Organizations that desire to serve specialty grade coffee for large groups. The 5lb bag features a degassing valve and is resealable to keep product fresh in between each use. Available in whole bean or ground.

Farmed in Nicaragua. (Previously title our "Single Origin Blend.")


Philippians 4:13


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5lb Faith Blend - Dark Roast


Our Faith Blend is meticulously roasted for those who love darker coffees. Smooth, bold, and robust flavor. A perfect roast to start your day or for an afternoon pick-me-up!


Tasting Notes: Sweet Chocolate, low acidity, and smooth.

Coffee Origin: Honduras


Proverbs 27:17


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5lb Hope Blend - Medium Roast


Our Hope Blend is a delicious medium roast that has an ultra-smooth taste paired with a nutty finish. If you love a smooth medium roast coffee, this blend is for you!


Tasting Notes:  Smooth, Sweet, Nutty

Coffee Origin: Brazil


Psalms 1:1-3


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5lb Ethiopia - Medium Roast


Our Ethiopia Medium Roast is an all-time favorite. You can taste a full palate of flavors due to the high-elevation growth process. Roasted to perfection with notes of citrus and chocolate. It will have you waking up with a simile!


Tasting Notes: Smooth, Chocolate, Floral


*Whole bean only


Matthew 28:18-20


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5lb Decaf - Medium Roast


Experience the best Decaf coffee you will ever have. This medium roast, single-origin coffee is decaffeinated 100% chemical-free using the Sugarcane Process. An incredibly meticulous process where it takes five rounds to remove the caffeine. The result is a smooth, clean, and delicious cup of coffee that is easy on the stomach.


Tasting Notes: Nutty, Dark Chocolate, Sweet


*Whole bean only


Genesis 1:1


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5 lb Expresso Roast


Indulge in our Espresso roast, a medium roast coffee with a bright caramel flavor and a smooth finish that will leave you craving more. These beans are non-oily, making it ideal for both Espresso machines and traditional coffee makers. Taste the perfect balance of silkiness and complexity with every shot.


Tasting Notes: Caramel, Chocolate, Hazelnut 


*Whole bean only


John 3:16


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5 lb Ethiopia - Dark Roast


Our darkest roast coffee with notes of baker's chocolate and sweetness. Pair that with a superbly bold and smooth finish, and we are certain this roast will make you pour a second cup! 


Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Smooth, Bold


*Whole bean only


Ecclesiastes 1:1-3


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5 lb Life Blend - Medium Roast


Our Life Blend is a perfectly balanced medium roast that has a smooth and rich taste guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Enjoy at any time throughout the day. 


Tasting Notes: Floral, Nutty, Smooth

Coffee Origin: Brazil/Ethiopia


Romans 6:23


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Ethiopia - Light Roast


Meticulously roasted and crafted to have a smooth and clean taste. Notes of Citrus, Cane Sugar, and a subtle hint of Chocolate will have your taste buds full of excitement! Our light roast coffee also has the most caffeine, making it a perfect choice if you need an extra boost of energy! 


Tasting Notes:  Floral, Jasmine, Sweet Blossom


*Whole bean only